Create business proposals in minutes

Save countless hours with our AI-driven platform that reads RFPs and crafts detailed business proposals in minutes.

Streamline your workflow, impress clients with tailored documents, and close deals faster than ever before!

PROPOZR Proposal Generator

All your needs covered

You can generate sales proposals, investor proposals, project proposals…

Your proposal template can be made of several chapters with predefined text, AI generated text or a combination of predefined text and AI generated text.

It can also include dynamic data, like your name and other personal information.

More effective
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Easy to use
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Yoursimplifiedworkflow to proposal creation

Upload the specifications

Upload the RFP or specifications document.

AI Assistant takes the lead

An AI Assistant is created and extracts key information from the document.

Generate the proposal

Chapters are either made of predefined text, AI generated text or both.

AI business proposal assistant

A unique Proposal Assistant

Once you upload your specifications or RFP, your AI Assistant will analyze the document. It will then extract key information and generate chapters related to the specifications document.

Data extraction

Extract data from the specifications, like keywords or classification

Data generation

Generate chapters that reference data from the specifications

Ask for a demo and you'llneverspend days writing a proposal again